“Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to open.” – Clarissa Pinkola Estés

So, we are rocking and rolling in the Mind Your Power group. It’s exhilarating and also scary as hell. I’m trying to remain in the state of appreciating what is while also being eager for what is to come. It’s a great practice of patience since I want to have started my own program… yesterday. 

Before we kicked off though, I asked Source, which really just looked like I was talking to myself, to give me a sign for my path. To let me know if being a coach was the “right” choice by showing me a sign of feathers in some way. I released the question and forgot about it. (That’s surrender, right?)

A day or two later, I opened my phone and put on a Tim Ferris podcast. One of the first stories he mentioned was about Katharine McCormick, a woman who lobbied administration at MIT to change the requirement for women having to wear hats with feathersWTF. Chills ran up and down my body as a sense of wonderment engulfed me. Oh, and I cried. If I could ask GUS (God, Universe, Source) about that, what else could I do or ask?

There’s an ease that comes in the comfort of knowing (truly believing and having faith) the Universe supports you, but there’s also a responsibility for knowing what you want. 

Who are you? What is your burning desire? 

Ask yourself the questions and be honest with your answers.

Who does my acting small serve? The truth is that I diminished my light for so long while quieting my desires in an effort to people please or make others comfortable.
