Posts in Mindset
The Power of Play 🎶🚀

Too often, we can get caught up in “the work” or the pressure for something to be good right out of the gate. I believe play to be radically healing. And I’d love for us to look at ourselves and life more like a miracle to explore and expand rather than a project to fix. At least, that’s what has been working for me. So, if nothing else, here’s a permission slip to PLAY, to try something new, and to follow a curiosity. 🪄

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The Highway Exit of Life

I sat in awe with a renewed zest for life. 

I communicated my feelings and thoughts to loved ones.

I reckoned that my mission on Earth must not be complete.

The following day, I walked and listened to affirmations. I danced my ass off. I wrote five pages of the script I’d been resisting and procrastinating. I jotted down the simple moments of my day that incited profound gratitude.

Tears well up in my eyes as I write and share to encourage you to take action now.

Someday does not exist. This moment exists. 

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