Barbells Make Me Feel Like A Badass.
Awesome Fitness Photographer:
I’m officially one of those CrossFitters who likes to talk about CrossFit. The CrossFit bug first bit me when I was a senior in college, but I lacked the discipline to follow through with the training. After attending the CrossFit Games this past August on a work trip, I signed up to try it again. A couple of recommendations later and I found myself at CrossFit South Lamar in Austin. I think CrossFit carries a negative reputation with it at times, but I’d love to share the tips I’ve learned and positive experiences I’ve had thus far.
Reasons why I love training at CrossFit SoLA… and tips for finding a CrossFit home.
Fantastic Coaches.
Seek instruction. Trust me, I like love being right, but my form isn’t always correct. Accept the guidance from a trainer instructing you on the proper technique. CrossFit sometimes carries a bad reputation for injuries, and I believe a lot of that is due to improper technique or not knowing their own limitations. I also love being told why a move is beneficial. This helps it click in my mind why I am doing so many burpees, deadlifts, etc.
Scaled WOD’s. A great coach includes modifications for varying fitness levels. I look at the “RX” WOD as a goal to work toward. (You can start at any time!)
“This is just one day, Kristin. You’re getting back into the swing of things. You’ll have every other day after this too.” When feeling frustrated with my inability to nail a certain weight w/ the snatch, these words encouraged me not to beat myself up so much. It also clicked when instructed to use my hips more. Got it… My snatch helps me snatch. (Gotta get my giggles in too!)
Fitness Family.
Several people approached me to introduce themselves with a genuine welcoming vibe. These people witness the struggles as well as the gains, which is vulnerable as well. I think a supportive environments helps one succeed! I like to think they recalled when they started & not that they could read the nerves/pain in my face/body language, but both statements may be accurate.
Progress Monitoring.
I love how SoLA utilizes Wodify. Logging times and weights helps track progress with each workout. In many aspects of life, you have to remember where you came from to appreciate where you are! Also, nothing beat the feeling when I PR’d on a deadlift. (I know what that term means now.. So, I can use it.) I rocked the cheesiest smile and had to tell at least three people immediately.
Boutique fitness will always have a place in my heart, but there’s just something about using weights in a regime that empowers. Barbells make me feel like a badass! I continually surprise myself while performing. And after my breathing stabilizes, I realize I am proud. That feeling is transferable to other aspects of life. If I can accomplish that inside the box, what else am I capable of outside it?
Workshops + Other Elements.
They offer nutritional advice and workshops to further enhance transformation, knowledge, and progress. In house competitions & Facebook groups are additional ways to stay involved and on track. And I can’t forget the member social mixers & happy hours. Need I say more?