My Why

I used to make myself look a certain way or present myself to people to get a desired response, to be liked, or to feel accepted. It was my way of attempting to control an outcome… I knew how to fit into someone else’s box of expectations. I knew if I acted or behaved a certain way, it’d likely get me a certain outcome. But, fuck that. It was so unfulfilling and propelled on a journey that included trying to numb my emotions with various substances. But, guess what, we can’t selectively numb our emotions! We end up numbing our joy and happiness in the process. ⁣⁣
I’ve learned it’s about vulnerability and authenticity. And while I feel like I’ve given a couple nuggets, I don’t think I’ve shared my biggest reason, my why, for creating a coaching program that incorporates a retreat for expression, freedom, and connection. ⁣⁣
I’ve experienced the depths of depression, disconnection, and loss through the death of a parent, losing loved ones to prison, suicide, and addiction, and identifying with hopelessness. The beauty is that these exact experiences served as the catalyst for my spiritual journey into yoga, reiki, sound healing, and coaching. I’m here to connect through my story and help others lead a life of joy, freedom, and authenticity. I want to share all that I’ve learned through my experiences to help those who may be in the midst of despair step into a life of alignment.⁣⁣

WellnessMary Alvizures