“We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or other peoples’ models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.” – Shakti Gawain

Synchronicities excite me so damn much. I see them as little signs from Source guiding me and letting me know I’m in the flow of alignment.

On Wednesday, my eyelids were fighting to stay open to continue reading Gabrielle Bernstein’s book, Super Attractor. In it, she mentioned a book called “Living in the Light” by Shakti Gawain and how helpful it was in assisting her to write her first book. I made a note of the book, but I didn’t think twice about it.

Just before surrendering to dreamland, I set the kindle down on my nightstand to save it from a mid-sleep fall to the floor. I also asked archangel Gabriel for guidance and clarity on the healing, writing journey for completing my book. (First time I’ve ever really asked an archangel for guidance… I guess my “woo woo” factor has increased. lol)

Anyway, I woke up at 3am. I tried listening to a guided meditation to fall back asleep, but something told me to journal upstairs. While making the trek with my phone flashlight, I decided to bring Julia Cameron’s “The Artists Way” to revisit some exercises too.

Once settled, I flipped to a random page and noticed a quote I had previously circled and drew lines around… one by Shakti Gawain. It must’ve stood out to me the first time I read it, but it really resonated then.

we will discover the nature.jpg

On this coaching journey, there have been moments I found my egoic self comparing the techniques or the program I offer to what other coaches offer. Wondered if it (I) measured up, questioned an adjustment, debated on modifying mine, etc.

Seeing the quote was the best little sign and reminder for the program I’ve designed to help guide others to a life of joy, freedom, and authenticity. (Nudge-nudge, Kristin. The key to what you’re teaching others is the key for you too. lol)

The doubt lifted and I’m surrounded by a peaceful ease – a surrender to trust, love, and light. And I am beyond grateful. Grateful that I’m now able to recognize and distinguish between the thoughts of my ego and those from my highest self. I’m allowing myself to feel supported.  And I truly believe I am enough.

And you better believe I also ordered that damn book.