Update + The Radical Rise Podcast Interview

Phew, it’s been a minute since I’ve done a blog update! I submitted to my first literary agent last night, and another this morning. Eeeek! As I reviewed the query and some of my pages, for probably the kazillionth time, the emotions flooded in. Freaking pride for the journey and how far I’ve come. Overwhelming love for my parents. And just so, so damn grateful.

Consumed in the edits, I completely forgot to post about my recent interview on one of my soul sister’s podcasts, The Radical Rise.

I would’ve never guessed we’d be here when we met at our lowest of lows five years ago. That’s one of the beautiful parts of relationships and stepping into the unknown. I had the honor of being her first guest, giving me the opportunity to work on my throat chakra and share part of my healing & writing journey on her podcast! I’d be honored if you spare an hour of your time and give the episode a listen.

WellnessMary Alvizures